Gawker sold
Gawker sold

gawker sold
  1. Gawker sold pro#
  2. Gawker sold tv#

The sale includes all seven of Gawker's brands, including Jezebel and Deadspin. We could not have picked an acquirer more devoted to vibrant journalism." In a statement to outlets, Gawker founder Nick Denton said: "I am pleased that our employees are protected and will continue their work under new ownership - disentangled from the legal campaign against the company. The New York Times reports Univision's purchase of Gawker is part of Univision's effort to expand its portfolio of digital media companies. As far as I'm concerned that's a story, and millions of people thought it was a story," Gawker founder Nick Denton told ABC's " The View." "He was having sex with his best friend's wife while the best friend was coming in and out of the room and was taping them. The company had to pay Hogan more than $100 million in damages and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy earlier this year. Gawkers parent company said Friday it has entered into an asset purchase agreement with online publisher Ziff Davis, the same day Gawker filed for Chapter 11 after a Florida state court paved the.

Gawker sold pro#

The news comes after Hulk Hogan won a lawsuit against Gawker - the outlet had posted part of a sex tape featuring the former pro wrestler. Univision has reportedly bought Gawker Media for about $135 million.

Gawker sold tv#

CNN reports a hearing to confirm the deal is scheduled for Thursday.Trending stories at Remember Ruby Tuesday? It' s Closing 95 Of Its RestaurantsCVS Joins The Mobile Payment System Club With CVS PayHulu Is Saying Goodbye To What It Began With: Free TV We could not have picked an acquirer more devoted to vibrant journalism.'The sale includes all seven of Gawker's brands, including Jezebel and Deadspin. As far as I'm concerned that's a story, and millions of people thought it was a story,' Gawker founder Nick Denton told ABC's 'The View.'The New York Times reports Univision's purchase of Gawker is part of Univision's effort to expand its portfolio of digital media companies.In a statement to outlets, Gawker founder Nick Denton said: 'I am pleased that our employees are protected and will continue their work under new ownership disentangled from the legal campaign against the company. In contrast, Gawker Media has not attempted to sell the Sex Tape or any of the material. SEE MORE: Extra! Extra! Online Media Employs More Than Newspapers For First Time'He was having sex with his best friend's wife while the best friend was coming in and out of the room and was taping them. On appeal, Gawker Media challenges the circuit courts order. The company had to pay Hogan more than $100 million in damages and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy earlier this year. Univision has reportedly bought Gawker Media for about $135 million.The news comes after Hulk Hogan won a lawsuit against Gawker the outlet had posted part of a sex tape featuring the former pro wrestler.

Gawker sold